SpeedFan 4.49 Final

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, May 19, 2013

SpeedFan 4.49 Final

New version of this free program, with which we can monitor temperatures and voltages of the devices of our system in real time. SpeedFan 4.49 is the new version of this great program, with which we also monitor the fans, show hard disk temperatures and even access SMART information (if allowed by the system can change the FSB on some hardware).

SpeedFan 4.49 is the new version of this great program specially designed to monitor system devices showing real-time temperatures, voltages, and even control the fan speed (reducing noise they produce in some cases). It also shows the temperature of hard drives and supports SCSI disks.

Remarkably, in SpeedFan 4.49 is a failure to show corrrige temperatures, and improves the installer to make it compatible with Windows 8.

SpeedFan is definitely a program to consider, especially if you are worried about controlling the temperatures of your hardware, and you want a free program that fulfills this function well control temperatures and efficiently.

The program can be predetermined in Spanish and has a simple interface and fun, while giving us much information as we can see in the screenshots added.

more screenshots
SpeedFan 4.49 Final

To put in Spanish: Once downloaded and installed the program, the first thing we will do is put it in Spanish, so that, within the Readings tab will click the Configure button opens a submenu and go into Options, go to the section Language and select "Spanish". Accepting the changes by clicking OK.


OS: Win2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8 (32 and 64 bit)

Link Download
SpeedFan 4.49 Final Size: 2.04 MB

source : blue-software

.:: 8 comments .:. add Comment ::.

  1. Go to speedfan download that is where I found the original post it has a good link to the free download.

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  2. Its all about technology developement. Nice and useful upgradation of electronic equipment.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This fan is very helpful for your PC and it maintains your PC temperature. I hope, you will use this device and secure your PC.

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